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Display Screen Equipment Workshop


If your employees use office VDUs (visual display units such as computer screens) your organisation needs to comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) 1992 as amended in 2002.  The Regulations seek to protect the health of your employees by reducing the risks from VDU work.

The main health problems associated with VDU work are:

  • Ill health due to pains in the neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers.  These are called upper limb disorders (ULDs) or repetitive strain injuries (RSI).

  • Back ache.

  • Fatigue and stress.

  • Temporary eye strain and headaches.

The Regulations require you to:



  • Analyse VDU workstations to assess and reduce the health and safety risks to which your employees are exposed to.


  • Ensure VDU workstations meet specified minimum requirements as laid down in the Regulations.


  • Plan work activities so that they include breaks and/or changes of activity.


  • Provide eye and eyesight tests on request and special spectacles if needed.


  • Provide information and training to your employees who use VDUs.


  • Complying with the Regulations is a legal requirement.  However, it will also help increase the health and safety of your workers, increase worker productivity and efficiency, reduce absenteeism and possible costly compensation claim.

Learning Outcomes



The Workshop will provide you and your employees with the information and knowledge to understand and assess the risks involved in DSE work and give you the skills necessary to put in place actions and procedures to reduce those risks.

Who should attend?



Any employee who habitually uses VDUs as a significant part of their work.

Agenda ( Half-day Workshop )


  • Offers practical advice on what actions you should take to help you to understand and comply with the regulations.

  • Gives you information on the main health problems associated with VDU work.


  • Shows you what the minimum specified VDU workstation requirements are.


  • Shows you how to complete a DSE risk assessment using a checklist.


  • Involves a practical session to assess a VDU workstation in your premises.

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