Stress Awareness and Management Workshop
Does your workforce suffer from stress related illness?
Does your organisation know how much stress factors are costing?
Does your organisation conform to HSE Management Standards?
An organisation’s most important asset is its workforce. For an organisation to be successful the workforce has to function efficiently and effectively in order to perform to the required standards. For this to happen the individuals that comprise the workforce need to feel contented in their positions and valued by the organisation.
Stress in the workplace can adversely affect the performance of an organisation, as it prevents individuals who suffer from it, from doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. Stress is seen by organisations as a very complex subject and as such is more often than not ignored, as they do not adequately know how to deal with it. However, it is very important for the management to find and highlight particular causes of stress and to develop achievable solutions.
Learning Outcomes
Participants who attend the workshop are better prepared to:
Understand what stress is.
Recognise stress in themselves and others.
Manage stress in themselves and others.
Understand the HSE Management Standards regarding stress.
Conduct a risk assessment on stress in the workplace.
Implement a stress policy.
Identify stress areas within the workplace.
Understand the benefits of dealing with stress in the workplace.
Identify policies and procedures to tackle stress factors in the workplace
Who should attend?
Directors, managers, line managers, supervisors, health and safety officers, occupational health officers, trade union representatives, employee representatives. In fact anyone who has responsibility for managing the welfare of the workforce, is responsible for implementing risk assessments and putting into place policies and procedures to enable the workforce to work efficiently and effectively.
Agenda ( Half-day Workshop )
What is stress and what causes it?
To know what stress is and deal with it, it is necessary to understand how the body reacts internally to situations a person perceives as a kind of threat.
What are the signs of stress in individuals?
How you can recognise stress in yourself and among your workforce.
What is the cost of stress to individuals?
How different individuals react to stress.
What can individuals do to cope with stress?
What managers and employees can do to combat stress in themselves and others.
How much does stress cost organisations?
Costs you can count and hidden costs.
What are the benefits to an organisation for dealing with stress in the workplace?
Healthier, happier, more productive workforce.
What can organisations do to manage stress in the workplace?
Prepare and introduce a Stress Policy.
Be aware of HSE guidelines and Management Standards.
Create an action group to deal with workplace stress.
Implement a stress risk assessment.
Identify the stress areas, have an action plan.
Put into place procedures to combat stress factors in the workplace.