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Written Policies, Risk Assessments and Safe Operating Procedures


Health and Safety Policy.


Under the Health and Safety At Work Act (HASWA) 1974 section 2 (3) if you have five or more employees you are required to have a written Health and Safety Policy.

WORKSAFE GB Ltd are able to write in collaboration with you a Health and Safety Policy which is applicable to particular set of business circumstances


The Policy is in three parts:

1.Directors statement of intent.

   Stating Management aims and objectives or the creation of a safe working environment.


2.Organisation section.

   Your organisation for health and safety – how everyone in your business is made aware of health and safety issues, allocation of core accountability and responsibility, company structure and responsibilities for health and safety within it, employee responsibility.

3.Arrangement section.

   Your arrangements for health and safety – how the identified employees and management will operate, detailing elements such as;

   a.  Risk assessments, findings, results and safety measures in place / proposed.

   b.  Inspection.

   c.   Maintenance & control.

   d.  Operating procedures.

   e.  Training.


Note – Specific arrangements should be bespoke to the operation for which you refer to in your policy.

Review and Revision - It is the duty of every employer to review and revise this written Health and Safety policy as often as appropriate. This policy should be up to date, signed and show evidence of regular reviews. Changes should also be communicated to all employees.

Risk Assessments.

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 Regulation 3 employers are required to carry out risk assessments to protect the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, contractors, visitors and members of the public who may be affected by its activities.

WORKSAFE GB Ltd can assist in you in writing suitable and sufficient Risk Assessments that will identify:

The risks to the health and safety of their employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work; and the risks to the health and safety of persons not in its employment arising out of or in connection with the organisations work activities.


The risk assessment process will involve the standard five step process as given as guidance by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


1. Identify the hazards

2. Identify who might be harmed and how

3. Evaluate the risks of harm occurring and decide whether the existing precautions are adequate or should more be done

4. Record the significant findings and communicate them to the relevant individuals

5. Monitor and review and revise if necessary



Safe Operating Procedures.


WORKSAFE GB Ltd can assist you with writing Safe Operating Procedures that sit next to the risk assessments.  A safe operating procedure should be written in a clear, simple format that informs employees have they should safely undertake their work activities in order to reduce the chances of them being harmed by the hazards identified in the risk assessments.


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